About us
A lab dedicated to the R&D of novel radiation detectors for astro-particle physics and civil applications
Associate Professor
PhD Student, 4th Year
Hafez Ali
PhD Student, 1st Year
Ariestotle Maharjan
Zachary Tweedy-Vena
High School
Nathan Bakker, undergraduate, Summer 2024 - Spring 2025, SiPM power supply and amplification electronics
Aditya Yadav, undergraduate, 2024, SiPM power supply, 3D Printing and amplification electronics
Keyu Ding, Ph.D., Aug. 2019 - May 2024, Cryogenic scintillator R&D
Laxman Sharma Paudel, Ph.D., Jan. 2023 - May. 2024, neutrinoless double beta decay
Wenzhao Wei, Postdoc, Aug. 2017 - Feb. 2023, Ph.D. student, Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2017, Thesis: HPGe detector R&D
Perry Siehien, M.S. Jan. 2021 - May 2023, Thesis: Application of machine learning in particle physics
Hao Mei, Postdoc, May. 2019 - Nov. 2022, Ph.D. student, May. 2015 - May. 2019, Thesis: HPGe crystal purification and growth
Conan Bock, M.S. Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2022, neutron background for COHERENT, GitHub
Jeffrey Charles Harstad, Summer 2021, HPGe detector electronics
Dmitry chernyak, Postdoc, Jun. 2019 - Jun. 2020, cryogenic scintillator R&D
Jianchen (Byron) Li, M.S. Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2019; B.S. May. 2015 - Dec. 2017, Thesis: HPGe detector simulation
Nathan Saunders, M.S. May 2016 - Aug. 2019, Thesis: cryogenic scintillator R&D, Facebook
Yangyang Li, M.S. Aug. 2016 - Aug. 2019, Thesis: HPGe detector data analysis
Tupendra Oli, M.S. Aug. 2016 - Nov. 2018, Thesis: cryogenic scintillator R&D, ResearchGate
Mitchell Wagner, B.S. 2015. M.S. Jan. 2016 – Jun. 2018, Thesis: HPGe detector R&D, Facebook
Alex Kirkvold , Trevor Edwards, Xavier Loose, Spring 2018, Undergraduate Project: Development of a Portable Germanium Detector System
David Theiss-Aird, Spring 2017, Undergraduate Project: Construction and Testing of a Very Low Relative Humidity Chamber
Kyler Kooi, Maziar Farahzad, Nathan Saunders, Joseph Mammo, Spring 2017, Undergraduate Project: Construction of a Cryostat for the Characterization of Germanium Detectors
Arun Kumar Soma, postdoc, Jan. 2016 - Nov. 2016, HPGe detector, cryogenic scintillating detector R&D
Eric Roach, B.S., 2015 – 2016, Honors Thesis: Remote control of Rigol oscilloscopes
Azck Schulte, Spring 2016, Undergraduate Project: Low-noise cryo-pumping system for radiation detectors
Daniel Duncan, Byron Li, Brody Sundblad, & Riley Paulsen, Spring 2016, Undergraduate Project: PMT Test Facility
Joseph Mammo, Spring 2016, Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Cross-platform temperature monitoring system
Lara Boman & Nathan Saunders, Spring 2016, Undergraduate Project: Radon Detection in Vermillion, SD
Carly Wilson & Payton Donnell, Spring 2015, Undergraduate Project: Glovebox for handling hygroscopic scintillating crystals